Leopold Stern

Maiden name:
Not known
So called:
Date of birth:
18. April 1848
Not known
Place of persecution:
Not known
Date of death:
29. Dezember 1928
Deceased in:
LEA file number:
Not known
Date and place of marriage:
Not known
Not known
*Hidden due to legal regulations


(RS) Residence 1880 New York City; Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head: Son


(RS) Vater Nathan Stern 1818–1883
Mutter Regina Stern geb. Ullmann 1818–1880
Rosina Rosa Stern 1847–1924
Israel gen. Isidor Stern 1849–1898
Carolina Stern 1851–1862
Helena gen. Lena Stern 1854–1902
Siegmund Stern 1856–1856
Siegmund Sigmund gen. Samuel Stern 1857–1923
Sara gen. Sophia Stern 1859–1927


(JA) Artikel im "Israelitischen Familienblatt" vom 24. Januar 1929: "Leopold Stern gestorben.
Im Alter von 80 Jahren starb in New York Herr Leopold Stern, der Begründer einer bekannten Diamantenfirma, Ehrenvizepräsident des Montefiore-Hospitals und langjähriger Präsident der Manhattan Loge U.O.B.B. Leopold Stern wurde am 19. April 1848 in Monzingen (nicht: Menzingen) in Deutschland geboren und kam 1863 nach Amerika."    
Vgl. Bericht in "Jewish Telegraphic Agency" vom 2. Januar 1929: "Leopold Stern, Pioneer Jeweler and B’nai Brith, Leader, Dies at Age of 80
Leopold Stern, founder of the firm Stern Brothers & Company, New York, one of the pioneer, commercial, diamond-cutting firms in this city and honorary vice-president of the Montefiore Hospital, died on Saturday at the age of eighty. The funeral was held Monday morning from Temple Emanu-El. Burial was in the family mausoleum in Beth-El Cemetery. Dr. Samuel Schulman, rabbi of Temple Emanu-El, officiated. The honorary pallbearers were Chief Justice Benjamin M. Cardoza of the Court of Appeals; August Oppeheimer, Charles Straus, William N. Rosendale, S. g. Rosenbaum, Samuel Sachs, Samuel Kridel, William Goldman, Otto Wormster and Harry Larter.
Mr. Stern was born in Monzingen, Germany, on April 19, 1848, where he received his education. He came to this country in 1863 and was followed the next year by other members of the family, who joined him in Philadelphia, where they were engaged in the manufacture of jewelry for eight years. In 1871 he came to New York City and, with his father, Nathan, and a brother, Isidor, opened the firm of Stern Brothers & Co. The firm was at first devoted to the manufacture of jewelry, but at the death of his brother, Isidor, in 1907. Mr. Stern sold the manufacturing branch of the business, and since then the firm has been engaged in the importation and cutting of diamonds.  Mr. Stern was much interested in the work of the hospitals in New York. He was a director of the Montefiore Hospital for twenty-five years and was later made a vice-president. He also was a member of the board of trustees of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals for twenty-three years and a member of the board of the United Hospital Fund. Mr. Stern was active in Republican politics and voted as a Republican elector for President McKinley and again for President Taft. At one time he was appointed as a member of the commission for the revision of the banking laws of the State of New York. He was a member of the Republican Club of New York for many years. He was a member of the Bankers Club and a director of the Market and Fulton Bank and the Maiden Lane Savings Bank. He was president of the Manhattan Lodge of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith and president of the Jewelers’ Board of Trade for many years."    
Quelle: https://www.jta.org/1929/01/02/archive/leopold-stern-pioneer-jeweler-and-bnai-brith-leader-dies-at-age-of-80