Siegfried (gen. Fritz) Moos

le genre:
Nom de naissance:
Not known
Date de naissance:
19. September 1904
Lieu de naissance:
Lieu du dommage survenu:
Not known
Date de décès:
Dezember 1988
Numéro de dossier LEA:
Date et lieu de mariage:
Not known
Frères et sœurs:
Not known
*En raison de dispositions légales, les données du conjoint ne seront pas divulguées


My father did indeed call himself Fritz as a pseudonym. But, as far as i know, his first time in Saarbrucken was in mid 1933.
He was an anti-Nazi activist and a member of the KPD in Berlin, and went underground on the night of the Reichstag fire, walking across Germany so as not to be caught by the Gestapo or SS. So maybe he never registered in Saarland because he wanted to be as invisible as possible.
I dont know the exact date he arrived or left. But it will have been however long it took him to walk from Berlin after January 30th 1933. He first had walked to Basel and then walked north up to Saarbrucken. Later, he left for Forfar [Forbach] and then went on to Paris some time in early autumn 1933 to meet his wife, Lotte Moos, my mother.
He was born on September 19th 1904 in Munich, I think, though it could have been Ulm.
Whether or not he was Jewish is a matter of definition. Certainly the Nazis would have categorised him as such. And he officially 'gave up' being Jewish in a registered synagogue ceremony in he mid/late 1920s. I know very little of his immediate parents but he was in effect brought up by Hermann and Rosa Binnswanger in Munich who were Jewish. He 'lost' his German citizenship, from memory, in 1936.
(Merilyn Moos, London, 25.07.2022,
(HA) Heirat 13.10.1932 Berlin Lichtenberg
Bankangesteller, wh. Berlin-Lichtenberg, Hauptstr. 62


(MJ) keine Mk auffindbar
Ehefrau Margarete Charlotte Moos geb. Jacoby 09.12.1909 Berlin – 03.01.2008 London, England
HA Berlin-Lichtenberg 312/1932, Trauzeugen:
Kaufmann Samuel Jacoby, 58 Jahre, wh. Berlin-Charlottenburg, Gervinusstr. 20
Werkmeister Ernst Niewant, 41 Jahre, wh. Berlin, Bornholmer Str. 5
GA München-4 2439/1904
[Tochter Merilyn Moos, 2022 wh. London]
(RS) Vater Albert Moos 22.06.1864 Buchau – 04.04.1911 Paris
Mutter Johanna Moos geb. Weilheimer 18.04.1873 Mönchsdeggingen, Bayern – 12.09.1928 Frankfurt am Main
Bruder Alfons Moos 11.03.1901 München, Bayern – 01.08.1925 Augsburg, Bayern [Suizid]