Oskar Hess

le genre:
Nom de naissance:
Not known
Date de naissance:
06. April 1901
Not known
Lieu du dommage survenu:
Not known
Date de décès:
01. April 1976
Décédé(e) à:
Numéro de dossier LEA:
Date et lieu de mariage:
Not known
Frères et sœurs:
*En raison de dispositions légales, les données du conjoint ne seront pas divulguées


(ML) Oskar Hess
06.04.1901 in Ruppichteroth / Siegkreis / Rheinprovinz
Verfolgungsgrund: rassisch
Aufenthalt: Ruppichteroth / Ruppichteroth / Siegkreis / Rheinprovinz / Deutsches Reich
Datum der Inhaftierung: 15.11.1938
Inhaftierung: Dachau, Concentration Camp
(MK) Wenn Mrs. [Melitta] Hess married Okar Hess in 1930, she moved to his farm in Ruppichteroth in the Rhineland. Mr. Hess raised cattle, which he bought and sold, and slo produced milk, which was bought by local dairies.
first taken to prison in Cologne, and then later to Dachau
went to Holland alone, was able to get visas for Holland and eventually to Ecuador
The Hesses finally obtained their Panamanian transit visas and left Europe at the beginning of August, 939. They arrived in Ecuador on September 1, the day the germans invaded Poland. (51)
German ship Caribbia
The Hesses remained in Ecuador for seven months, waiting for their quota number for America to come up.
s.a. https://photozeichen.de/webtrees/index.php?route=%2Fwebtrees%2Ftree%2FTobias-Kraft%2Findividual%2FI5898%2FOskar-Hess
(MK) With ninety dollars in heir pockets, The Hess family - Oskar, Melitta (Melly), and their three children - arrived in New York in 1940 from Ecuador and went to stay with a family in Washington Heigths.
stayed with Katinka Rosenberg
And he [Oskar Hess] went wherever was was told to go. He worket unloading barges for a few months at the docks in Brooklyn. Then he went to work as a dishwasher at the Eclair (the pastry shop-café on West 72nd Street that was a magnet for émigré intellectuals and more affluent refugees).
"kitchen butcher" at a hotel in Long Beach, Long Island for the summer season (101)
later had become a house painter and gradually began to earn more money (105)


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