Elsa Huber (Herzberger)
(SLB) Internierung der Frau Else in Konzentrationslager (befreit 1945)
(W) I expect you do not know that Alfons Herzberger’s wife has a bastard child by Gottfried Salomon. We heard this story from Else;11 but to tell you about that would itself require a long letter of its own, one whose contents you can imagine yourselves by now – it was all exactly the way you think, only even a little more so.
fn 11 The siblings Else (1877–1962) and Alfons Herzberger (b. 1879), whose family – originally resident in Neunkirchen in the Saarland – were co-owners together with Gretel Adorno of a leather factory in Berlin. Alfons Herzberger, who had been married, until 1932, to a Jewish woman living in Paris, had emigrated with his sister in 1935 to Paris, where the Frankfurt sociologist Gottfried Salomon-Delatour (1896–1964) was living as an emigrant.
Theodor W. Adorno, Letters to his Parents 1939-1951, Polity Press 2006, p. 29 [Brief vom 19.12.1939]
Ehemann Alfons Leopold Herzberger 27.04.1879 Mainz – 18.06.1941 Bergerac, Dordogne