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Henriette Rosa Bloch (Levy)

Pas de connexion suffisante avec la Sarre
le genre:
Nom de naissance:
Date de naissance:
29. Juli 1897
Lieu de naissance:
Lieu du dommage survenu:
Not known
Date de décès:
09. April 1976
Décédé(e) à:
Numéro de dossier LEA:
Date et lieu de mariage:
Not known
Frères et sœurs:
*En raison de dispositions légales, les données du conjoint ne seront pas divulguées


(MK Ehem)v. Paris
14.07.1921 Rotenbergstr. 8
01.05.1922 Paris (beide)
(RS) Heirat 19 Feb 1920 Paris: Robert Samuel Levy (1888–1957)
(YV) Place during the War Saint Etienne, France
Place during the War Tournon St Martin, Indre, France
Date of Death 1976
Name of the person who assisted in the rescue Cherioux Joseph & Marthe (Hulin)
(YV) Robert and Rosa Lévy lived in Paris with their three children, Lucienne-Esther (b. 1924), Georges-Joseph (b. 1925) and Clémentine (b. 1930).
When war broke out, the family decided to flee the capital for Saint Etienne (Loire), which was unoccupied. But in 1942, the city began to suffer from constant air raids, and the mayor decided to evacuate all the children to neighboring villages. The Lévys took the opportunity to send Clémentine with a Jewish organization to a foster family, in the hope that they would take care of her until the end of the war.
Clémentine ended up with Joseph and Marthe Cherioux, farmers who lived in the tiny, isolated village of La Ballière, close to Tournon Saint Martin (Indre). They welcomed the little girl into their home, and soon invited her mother Rosa to join her.
The two refugees stayed with the Cheriouxes for more than two-and-a-half years, depending completely on their kindness and generosity. They mostly stayed indoors; Clémentine didn’t attend school, instead spending her time watching the cows or playing with Joseph and Marthe’s only son, seven-year-old André, who came home from boarding school on weekends.
Joseph and Marthe Cherioux were well aware of the grave risk involved in hiding Jews, but never hesitated in their determination to help the Lévys. They also hid weapons belonging to the underground in their backyard. Luckily the German never approached the farm, but they still kept their secrets from their neighbors, whom they suspected (as it turned out, correctly) would have turned them in if they had found out.
After the war the two families remained close for many years. On July 13, 2010, Yad Vashem recognized Joseph and Marthe Cherioux as Righteous Among the Nations.
(AJPN) Clémentine Rachel Lévy, âgée de 12 ans en 1940, était arrivée de Saint-Étienne chez le directeur d'école de Tournon-Saint-Martin. Par souci de sécurité, ce dernier le confiée à la famille Chérioux, à "La Baillère", à Tournon-Saint-Martin.
Joseph Chérioux* et son épouse, Marthe*, accueillent Clémentine, puis sa maman, Rosa Lévy. Durant trois années, elles seront nourries, protégées et sauvées.
A l'initiative de Clémentine épouse Drouart la médaille des Justes parmi les Nations, ainsi qu'un diplôme d'honneur du Mémorial Yad Vashem, de Jérusalem ont été remis à André Chérioux pour honorer ses parents.


Ehemann Robert Levy 07.05.1888 Straßburg, Elsaß – 12.07.1957 Montmorency, Val-d'Oise
HA Paris 8e 283/1920
(RS) Tochter Lucienne Esther Levy 24.10.1923 Paris – 22.10.2012 Boulogne-Billancourt
Sohn Georges Joseph Levy 23.09.1925 Paris
Tochter Clémentine Rachel Levy 21.05.1930 Paris
(RS) Vater Lucien Bloch 14.03.1864 Sarreguemines, Lothringen – 15.07.1906 Dieuze, Lothringen
Mutter Florence Bloch geb. Samuel 12.12.1864 Fénétrange, Lothringen – 12.09.1941 Domont, Val-d'Oise
Schwester Renée Linnewiel geb. Bloch 16.02.1899 Paris – 07.10.1943 KL Auschwitz