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Jacob Stern

le genre:
Nom de naissance:
Not known
Date de naissance:
04. August 1892
Lieu du dommage survenu:
Date de décès:
28. November 1965
Décédé(e) à:
Numéro de dossier LEA:
6355, 8219
Date et lieu de mariage:
Not known
Not known
Not known
Frères et sœurs:
Not known
*En raison de dispositions légales, les données du conjoint ne seront pas divulguées


LEA 10120: Kam Juli 1922 nach St. Ingbert und eröffnete dort ein Konfektionsgeschäft. Okt 1935 Emigration
(LEA) TO New Haven (USA)
(D10) Stern Jakob 04.08.1892 Lendershausen (Unterfranken)
Handlungsgehilfe > Kaufmann
Mil: 21.11.1916 – 18.02.1919 Bayr. Nachrichten-Battl. 2 [?]
zugezogen 01.02.1914 D. Brückenstr. 12
09.06.1915 nach Lendershausen Kr. Königshofen
11.06.1915 D. Brückenstr. 12
01.07.1916 Saarbrückerstr. 171
19.09.1916 Saarbr.str. 280
20.11.1916 Darmstadt
16.05.1919 von Griesheim
n. D. Marktplatz 5
01.01.1923 St. Ingbert
(RS) Heirat 5 Dec 1922 Dudweiler, Saarbrücken: Helene Roos (1893–1949)
Arrival 19 Mar 1936 New York, NY, von Le Havre
Heirat 1952 New York City: Selma Michel (1896–1984)
(obit) Jacob Stern, 73, of New York City, died Sunday afternoon at the Westfield Nursing Home following a lengthy illness.
Born in Germany, he had lived in New York City most of his life.
Besides his wife, Mrs. Selma Rosenburg Stem, he is survived by two sons, Walter Stern of East Norwich, Long Island, and Gunther Stern of Meriden, five grandchildren, and a brother, Samuel Stern of Israel.
Funeral services will be held today at the Hirsch and Sons Funeral Home, 1225 Jerome Ave. New York City, with burial in Cedar Park Cemetery, Emerson, NJ.
The period of mourning will be observed today and tomorrow at the home of Walter Stern, 223 Peachtree Dr., East Norwich, Long Island. The remainder of the period of mourning will be observed at the home of Gunther Stern, 152 Reynolds Dr., Meriden.
Local arrangements are in charge of the John J. Perry and Sons Funeral Home, 88 East Mainst Str.


Zeuge in LEA 10120
(RS) 1. Ehefrau Helene Stern geb. Roos 05.08.1893 Heimbach-Weis, Neuwied, Pfalz – 22.04.1949
Sohn Walter S. Stern 11.06.1925 St. Ingbert, Saarpfalz
Sohn Gunther Stern 24.12.1927 St. Ingbert, Saarpfalz – 24.11.2011 Minnetonka, MN
2. Ehefrau Selma Stern geb. Michel 25.02.1896 Burgsteinfurt, Westfalen – 08.11.1984 New Haven, CT
(D10) Vater Urias Stern
Mutter Pauline Stern geb. Berg †