Berthold Meyer

Kein hinreichender Saarlandbezug
Nicht bekannt
18. Februar 1883
Nicht bekannt
Ort der Schädigung:
Nicht bekannt
04. März 1943
Verstorben in:
Signatur LEA:
Nicht bekannt
Nicht bekannt
Nicht bekannt
Nicht bekannt
*Aufgrund rechtlicher Bestimmungen ausgeblendet


Besitzer des Bekleidungshauses Berthold Meyer in Breslau
(USHMM) Ilse Marcus (originally Meyer) is the daughter of Berthold and Elfriede Meyer. She was born on June 23, 1914 in Breslau, Germany, and her younger brother Ernst was born in 1918. Berthold Meyer owned a prosperous clothing store, and after Ilse married economist Kurt Marcus in 1935, the young couple lived with Ilse's parents in an apartment above the store. On the night of Kristallnacht, gangs broke the window of the family store, and looters carried away the merchandise. The following morning, storm troopers entered the apartment and arrested Berthold, Ernst and Kurt. They were released three weeks later after promising to emigrate from Germany. The family hoped to go to the United States, but as they had very high visa application numbers, they decided to book tickets on the St. Louis for Havana where they could wait until they received permission to enter the United States. Kurt's brother had already gone to Havana, and they planned to meet him there. When the ship arrived in Havana on May 27, 1939, the Cuban government prohibited the passengers from disembarking. Kurt's brother approached the ship on a small boat to wave and shout out greetings. After the ship was forced to return to Europe, the Marcus and Meyer families disembarked in Belgium and spent the next year as refugees in Brussels. However, after Germany invaded Belgium in May 1940, the Belgians arrested Berthold, Ernst and Kurt as enemy aliens and deported them to the St. Cyprien camp in southern France. They later were transferred to the Gurs concentration camp where they were interned as Jews. (...) No one returned. Ilse's father perished in Majdanek, and her brother and husband died in Auschwitz.
(GB-BA) Meyer, Berthold
geboren am 18. Februar 1883
in Neuenburg/Schwetz/Westpreußen
wohnhaft in Breslau
Emigration 17. Juni 1939, Belgien
Deportation ab Belgien
00. Mai 1940, Saint Cyprien, Internierungslager
Drancy, Sammellager
04. März 1943, Majdanek, Konzentrationslager


Ehefrau Elfriede Meyer
Tochter Ilse Marcus geb. Meyer
Sohn Ernst Meyer