Jankiel Icek Frydmann
(W) [Myriam] Anissimov’s autodidact father, Itzik (Yankl) Frydman, was born on April 6, 1914, in Szydtowiec, Poland A tailor by profession, he was also a Yiddish writer. In 1938 he migrated to Lyon, France, where he met and married Bella Frocht (b. Metz, April 11, 1924) in 1942. Anissimov’s parents, who had been members of the French resistance movement, fled to Switzerland in 1942. Anissmov was born on June 15, 1943, in the refugee camp in Sierre, Switzerland, her sister, Denise, was born in 1947.
Q: https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/anissimov-myriam
(MA1) [Mon père] Il s'était tué sur cette jolie route bordée de platanes, an doublant en troisième position. Choc frontal avec un camion, à quelques kilomètres d'Avignon.
Route Nationale 7
La Peugeot 403, toute neuve, avait été écrasée sous le camion, mon père incarceré parmi les tôles fumantes.
31 août 1957. (s. 144-45)
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