Marianne Lehmann (Zaoui)

le genre:
Nom de naissance:
Date de naissance:
14. Juni 1925
Lieu de naissance:
Lieu du dommage survenu:
Date de décès:
27. März 2002
Décédé(e) à:
Numéro de dossier LEA:
Not known
Date et lieu de mariage:
Not known
Frères et sœurs:
Not known
*En raison de dispositions légales, les données du conjoint ne seront pas divulguées


(LEA) 9292: Zaoui, Marianne gesch. Deponts geb. Lehmann; geb. am 14.06.1925 in Saarbrücken
1935 nach Frankreich emigriert; bis 1939 in Straßburg wohnhaft; Evakuierung nach Lentigny/ Loire; bis 1944 Unterbringen in einer katholischen Klosterschule; 1945 bis 1952 Rückkehr nach Saarbrücken; 1952 Umzug in die Schweiz bzw. Frankreich
Die Eheleute Lehmann mit den Kindern Marianne und Eva sind seit 23.11.1945 wieder in Saarbrücken polizeilich gemeldet und werden im Melderegister als französische Staatsangehörige geführt.
SB, den 12. Juni 1947
(SFA Vater) 1964 wh. Pau, 13 rue du Pin
(MW) in Israel bei einem Bombenanschlag auf ein Hotel umgekommen
( Mar 27, 2002 - Marianne Myriam Lehmann Zaoui, 77, of Netanya was one of 30 people killed in a suicide bombing in the Park Hotel in the coastal city of Netanya, in the midst of the Passover holiday seder.
On the eve of Passover, the terrorist walked into the dining room of the hotel, located in the center of Netanya, where 250 guests had just sat down to begin the seder. He detonated an explosive device, killing 22 immediately and injuring 140, eight of whom subsequently died. The bomber was identified as a member of the Hamas Iz a Din al-Kassam Brigades, from the West Bank city of Tulkarem, which is just 10 kilometers (six miles) east of Netanya. He was on the list of wanted terrorists Israel had requested be arrested.
Marianne Lehmann, a Holocaust survivor, was born in Germany. She fled to France during World War II, where she hid in a village near Lyon under an assumed identity, attending a Catholic school together with her sister.
After the war, Marianne studied in England and taught English for many years in high schools in France. After an unsuccessful early marriage, she married Lucien Zaoui. They lived in Pau, in southern France, where their two children, Deborah and Bernard were born.
Deborah immigrated to Israel, where she married. Lucien decided to settle in Israel 15 years ago and Marianne joined her husband ten years ago. They have been celebrating the Passover seder in a hotel for several years. This year they were to be with their daughter, Deborah Stein and her two children in the Park Hotel. Marianne Lehmann was killed; her husband Lucien and their grandson Daniel, 9, were lightly injured in the attack.
Marianne Lehmann Zaoui was buried in Netanya. She is survived by her husband Lucien, their children Deborah amd Bernard, her son Roland Desponds from her first marriage, and grandchildren.


Vater Lehmann Eduard 16.09.1882 Warburg, Höxter – 13.06.1964 Saarbrücken
Mutter Lehmann Thekla geb. Kleeblatt 06.03.1889 Herlinghausen, Höxter [korr. Von 92] Herlingshausen i/W., jü.
Schwester Stiefel Eva geb. Lehmann 17.04.1927 Saarbrücken I
(RS) 1. Ehemann NN Desponds
Sohn Robert Desponds
2. Ehemann Lucien Zaoui
Sohn Bernard Zaoui
Tochter Deborah Zaoui