Natan Sack
Vertreter, ledig
06.01.1928 Friedrich-Ebertstr. 25
18.08.1934 Bruchwiesenstr. 11
26.06.1935 Karcherstr. 11
16.03.1936 Futterstr. 8
(YV) SACK Noson 24.10.1902 Riga
wh. Riga, Pulkv.Brieza 10-4
Resident registration book, including the names of Jews, 4 Dagdas Street in Riga, 1922 - 1927
Resident registration book, including the names of Jews, 4 Dagdas Street in Riga, 1925 - 1928
Resident registration book, including the names of Jews, 7 Pulkveža
Brieža Street in Riga, 1936 - 1940
Resident registration book, including the names of Jews, 54 L. Kaleyu Street in Riga, 1928 - 1943
(Jews of Latvia) bookkeeper
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